Sunday, December 31, 2006

Is this really a good marketing strategy?

I recently received a video from my aunt showing how 'Colombia is passion'. The first time I saw it, the speakers were turned off, so all I saw were stunning images from my country. For a moment I felt proud of being Colombian, because these images not only featured beautiful landscapes (which is what you would expect from a video that invites you to go on vacation somewhere), but they actually showed accurate and still fancy shots from people and situations from our daily life. That is, the video really showed who we are, and I thought that was a great idea.

But then, I had the marvellous idea of turning on the speakers and watching the video again... The result? The worst invitation ever to Colombia. First, they had a kid talking about Colombia with a Baby Pooh voice: "In Colombia we have many many many good people". Now, if you have a bad image from Colombia, what makes you think that this kid wasn't coerced with a gun to say these 'innocent' words about his country? :)

No, seriously, the audio in this video is simply horrible, and it only shows how we desperately want to get rid of an image of violent drug traffickers (which we are not... saying that would equal to saying that all Muslims are terrorists or that all Germans are Neo-Nazis). But showing how desperate we are doesn't really help us, because it only raises suspicions.

To get my point, please turn off the speakers, put some nice music on your stereo, watch the video, and imagine a male voice at the end saying "Colombia is Passion".


Ana said...

Bueno, no sé si me creas, pero exactamente pensé yo cuando vi ese video, aunque además pensé que le hubiera puesto también tomas de costeños hablando en la puerta de sus casas sentados en la maria palito, viejos verdes dejando a un lado su juego de dominó por morbosear a la quinceañera que acabó de pasar y todas esas cosas que hacen de nuestra tierra un lugar único. Me gusta mucho tu Blog, está como interesante (teniendo en cuenta que yo no leo más de un párrafo en internet por lo general). Yo tenía un blog pero caducó por ausencia de calidad, así que me gustaría abrir otro, cómo hago pa ponerle un contador como tienes en el tuyo? (suponiendo que es real) (---por si acaso soy ana, la novia de santiago)

Marcelo said...

Ana who? :) Bueno, pa que veas que yo si habia visto tu blog. Me parecieron interesantes tus fotos y escritos, asi que deberias continuar. Por cierto, la pasamos muy chevere en Barranquilla... convence a Santiago para que nos vengan a visitar a Berlin. Un abrazo, Marcelo.

DailyEclipse said...

Tienes toda la razon!!
que tal te fue en Colombia??
escribeme Marcelin